I was pretty disappointed with this bar, I thought I would enjoy it a lot more than I did. I knew things would be rough when I opened the package and had to peel it off the bar itself - this is one of the stickiest things I've ever had. Not only is it sticky, but it's purple. Be sure you're not holding any papers (or a book) while eating it, because the goop will quickly stain it. The flavor itself wasn't too bad though, it tastes sort of like what you might expect a Kix cereal bar to taste like. The flavors were pretty artificial tasting though, so don't expect it to really taste like any naturally occurring fruits. The bar was also very flimsy, it started "sagging" as soon as I took it out of the package. I can't really recommend buying this bar unless you're willing to look past the messiness of it. For me, granola bars are meant to be on-the-go convenience foods, which this certainly wasn't.
The nutritional information can be found here.
In other news, there is a Amazing Grass giveaway going on at Live, Love, Violin. Be sure to check it out!
thanks for the comment & i look forward to reading more reviews :) i am also not the biggest fan of this luna bar in particular
Thanks for the review. I love the new lunas, but I have never been a fan of their berry/fruit bars.